10th June – Update: Jax gastro consultant been in she has ordered a million bloods and tests and wants him reviewed by Neuro
10th June – EEG done, we are not expecting it to show anything as the others he has had didnt. But at least we got to see these beautiful eyes. – Update : *EEG normal*
12th June – It’s sad to say Jackson’s weekend hasn’t improved
He’s continued to retch (some of it blood) continuously. He managed to stand yesterday for a few minutes but then fell back asleep but today’s a new day hopefully things will get better !
13th June – No change for Jax today he has slept, retched, slept, retched…..
14th June – Look who woke up !
16th June- Morning everyone. I’m back and wide awake xxx I’m pleased to say I’m doing great. I’m going to try walking again soon !