blended diet

well Jackson has had a bad day today he started off with a massive apneo went down to 46% but came back with masked oxygen a few blows in the mouth luckily no other intervention but we were close. then he has continued to not tolerate his feed AT ALL. hes screaming and arching and breath holding even at 20ml/per hour.

because of this and his weight loss and the fact that he is so see through he is goin back onto PN Feeds.

its a massive step back but at least we know that he will be meeting his nutrional requirement. we will try and run his milk through his jej at 10ml per hour the reson for this is to protect his liver but if he gets destressed we will just stop it completly.

ive also been very keen to start this ‘blended diet’ into his stomach so we are going ahead with that again if it doesnt work we will stop but because we have the PN we can try it.

i personally hope and pray it works. Jax dismotilty takes him to the extreme we dont know why we dont know if it will ever settle. all i do know is that the PN is like red bull so hopefully over the next few days we will have happy smily Jackson back.