Great Ormond Street Hospital Diary – Day 10

Jackson continues to fight his infection and is definitely feeling better. His day started with a visit from Lucy Air Ambulance for Children. These are the people that arranged all of Jax’s transfers down here. It was so lovely to meet them and Erin and Jackson loved their bears – thank you xx
Unfortunately as the infection goes his sensory issues take over. He has gone blue at least 8 times today requiring high flow oxygen to get him back. He also went bradicardic again this time down to 54bpm. Scary stuff!
The only saving grace is that the experts here have seen it. As well as his normal teams (gastro & neuro) GOSH have involved endocrine/metabolic, Immunology, tissue viability and cardio. They have requested all the results from previous tests at the RVI for microbiology here. He’s definitely showing them all his tricks xx keep going Jax were all super proud of you xxx